What is a good judgement?
Let's try to understand what this notorious term represents, and how to develop the skill of sound judgment within the framework of CRM.
What is a good judgement?
Reading time: ~3-5 minutes
Good judgement, within the context of Crew Resource Management (CRM), involves making timely decisions considering all available information and resources. CRM is a critically important aspect of aviation, as it is aimed at improving communication, teamwork, and decision-making among the crew members of an aircraft to ensure safe and efficient flight operations.
A bit of history
The concept of "good judgement" in aviation has a long history and is closely tied to the development of understanding the importance of human factors in ensuring flight safety. Good judgement refers to the ability of a pilot or crew member to make reasoned decisions based on available information, analysis of all existing sources, and situation assessment.

Until the 1970s, the main focus in aviation was on technical aspects and procedures. However, after a series of aviation disasters caused by crew errors and ineffective interaction between team members, it became evident that the human factor plays a crucial role in flight safety.

In 1979, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) held a conference where a number of problems related to the human factor were identified, and measures to solve them were proposed. This is how the concept of Crew Resource Management (CRM) emerged, aimed at improving communication, coordination, and decision-making in an aircraft crew.

Sound judgment became one of the key aspects of CRM. The importance of this aspect is due to the fact that making correct and timely decisions can significantly affect the safety and success of a flight. Good judgement includes such elements as situation awareness, effective communication, collective decision-making, stress management, and continuous learning.

Since then, CRM training has become a mandatory part of crew training in many countries, and good judgement has become one of the main criteria for evaluating the professionalism of pilots and other crew members.
Key elements of good judgement in CRM
  • 1
    Situation awareness
    Continuous assessment and maintenance of an understanding of the spatial position, state, and environment of the aircraft. This includes monitoring instruments, indicators, and external conditions, as well as considering the impact of potential hazards and changes in the situation
  • 2
    Information exchange
    Active communication and provision of relevant information to other crew members. Good judgement involves not only collecting and processing information but also discussing it effectively within the team
  • 3
    Effective communication
    Use clear, concise, and unambiguous language when communicating with crew colleagues. Make sure that critical information is received and understood properly
  • 4
    Express your concerns or opinion openly while being polite and professional. This helps create a culture where all crew members feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and ideas, promoting better decision-making
  • 5
    Collective decision-making
    Involve all relevant crew members in the decision-making process, using their unique knowledge and experience to achieve the best possible outcome
  • 6
    Conflict management
    Constructive and professional resolution of conflicts or disagreements, focusing on the issue at hand rather than personal differences
  • 7
    Task prioritization
    Identify and order tasks by their importance and urgency, focusing on what is most critical for safety and operational efficiency
  • 8
    Stress management
    Identify the level of and manage stress both personally and among the crew, to maintain optimal performance
  • 9
    Workload management
    Distribute the workload among crew members, delegate tasks when necessary to ensure effective management of all responsibilities.
  • 10
    Long-life learning
    Learn from experience, whether it's a successful outcome or a mistake, and apply the knowledge gained in solving new situations in the future
In conclusion
Good judgement in CRM is crucial for ensuring safety, efficiency, and success in aviation operations. This requires the ability to make informed decisions, communicate effectively, and work as a team in dynamic and stressful conditions.
Name of article: What is a good judgment?
Release date: 4/13/2023
Acrticle author: Georgii Kurbatskii
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